SEN and Disability Provision (SEND)
All children have a right to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is relevant and appropriately differentiated to allow individuals to fulfil their potential.
Local Offer (Children and Families Act 2014)
There is significant reform for SEND provision from September 2014. It will 'transform' the system for children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) including those who are disabled . Every Local Authority will be required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people, from birth to 25yrs, who have SEND; and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This will be known as the 'Local Offer'. The Local Offer will put all the information about education, health and care services, leisure activities and support groups in one place. Buckinghamshire County Council has developed a web site to facilitate this - Buckinghamshire Family Information Service (BFIS)
Click HERE to read The St Michael's C of E School SEND (Information) Regulation Annual Report
Details of the Buckinghamshire Local Offer can be found HERE
Details of our School Offer can be found HERE
Our SEND Policy can be found HERE
Children with an EHC (Education Health Care Plan) are fully integrated into their own class. They work to a specially structured education plan enabling them to have full access to the normal curriculum and are supported by trained assistants.
Other children within the school with lower level special needs also have additional support and help – and similarly the most able have
opportunities to extend their learning appropriate to their age and stage of development.
The Staff keep the curriculum under constant review and are committed to developing, refining and improving their teaching for the benefit of every child. School policy statements are always available for reference in the office.
The staff at St. Michael’s have developed a sound approach towards children with special education needs, including those who are gifted, able or talented, based upon the following principles:
- All children have a right to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is relevant and appropriately differentiated to allow individuals to fulfil their potential.
- A positive and active participation with all parents/carers.
- To identify needs promptly and to introduce appropriate teaching strategies.
- To monitor and evaluate progress effectively.
We ensure that every child with special needs joins in all the activities of the school with their peers as far as is reasonably practical. We aim to integrate pupils fully within their class and achieve this by:
- Extra input from the teacher or support service.
- Extra adult support e.g. teaching assistants.
- Differentiated activities.
- Methodology appropriate to particular needs.
- Working in small groups or one-to-one.
- Involvement with the occupational therapist, speech therapist, educational psychologist, primary support service, etc.
The school has a comprehensive special needs policy which parents/carers may wish to read.
Similarly, children who are able, gifted or talented are identified as such and additional extension activities and challenge opportunities are identified under the co-ordination of the member of staff with responsibility for able pupils.