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Easter Competition

                             EASTER FUN!                      

This week in worship the children have been told about our Easter Competition. We would like as many children to get involved as possible and have fun with it.

Here is a copy of the information the children have been given. All children can enter from Foundation to year 6. I hope your child enjoys it!

This year we are giving you 3 different pieces of writing about Spring. One is an extract from the Bible and 2 are prayers.

We would like you to choose your favourite one and present it for display however you wish.

Some ideas are ; a drawing of what it means to you , a painting or collage , the poem written out and illustrated, a model of part of it , use a shoe box and make the scene, a Spring garden, Spring cakes . The choice is yours!

We would like all entries named and in school on Monday March 27th March.