Hudnall Park Meeting Thursday 11th May
Year 5 Residential stay to Hudnall Park, Little Gaddesden, Hertfordshire 19th-22nd September 2017
FTA of all Current Year 4 families
We have a meeting arranged for all current Year 4 families on Thursday 11th May at 6.30pm in school.
We will be giving our details including the payment plan for the four day, three night residential stay we would like pupils to experience. The visit will encourage team work and cohesion within the group which can be built upon throughout the year. It is our intention to have the payments made through Parentpay – more details at the meeting. The cost of the trip is anticipated to be £230 per pupil to include all board and lodgings, coach transport there and back and during the stay and all activities.
Please book your places for the meeting on 11th May on our usual booking site.
Thank you.