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Theme Fortnight

 A very big thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us last Friday afternoon for our

‘All Around the World’ open afternoon. We were delighted with your support and I know the children were too. It was so lovely to see the children sharing their learning with you and to hear them talking with such enthusiasm. I know a lot of parents chose to walk around the displays between 3-3.30pm on their own and then came back with their children at 3.30pm .What a super idea!

Thank you also to everyone who completed a questionnaire. We are delighted with the comments and will certainly be planning another theme fortnight for next year.

The results of the questionnaire are overwhelmingly positive;

  • 100% of parents / carers strongly agreed or agreed with questions 1,3,5,6 and 7
  • 98% of parents/ carers said their child / children had talked about the theme fortnight at home.
  • 98% of parents said they would recommend we repeat a theme fortnight next year with just 2% saying they were not sure.

Please click here for photos of the afternoon.

I would like to say a very big thank you to all the staff who worked so hard to make this new idea such a success. As with many new ventures, it meant a lot of extra work for staff. Their support and enthusiasm was much appreciated. I know we all learnt a lot about the different continents and countries as well as the children.

I would also like to say a very big thank you to Mr Jackson who led the project from beginning to end. His energy was infectious and he put many hours into helping make it the success it was. I know he has lots of other ideas up his sleeve so watch this space!

Prior to the theme fortnight starting, we asked the children what they knew about the continent they were studying. Children recorded their knowledge in a variety of ways; some classes discussed what they knew as a class and an adult wrote the facts on a class topic sheet. At the end of the fortnight, the children’s learning was recorded on the same sheet on post it notes. A different way was to record an individuals prior learning in a spider diagram form in one colour and then add what they had learnt in a different colour at the end of the project. Whichever way of recording was chosen, the learning that took place during the theme fortnight was fantastic!

We also gave all the children a short questionnaire to complete at the end of the project. Results have been analysed and again show a very positive response;

97% said they had enjoyed ‘All Around the World’ theme fortnight

95% said they knew more about their continent than they did 2 weeks ago,

95% said they would like to do another theme fortnight next year

90% said they were proud of the work they had produced during this time.