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Walk to School Week starts on Monday 26th June

Many of our children walk to school every day and this is our chance to support and celebrate those children. It is also an opportunity to encourage as many children as possible to walk to school. If you do have to drive to school then please do make an effort to park further away from school to encourage your children to walk. If you do need to use Chapel Square to park, please be aware that there will be lots of pedestrians and park considerately.

For Key Stage 1 children there is a scavenger hunt booklet coming home today. You can use these to have a good look around and see what you can see on your walk to school. Children fill in the booklet each day and on Friday they can hand in their completed booklet to our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) who will also be at the school gates each morning handing out stickers to all our walkers. Please take care when you are completing these activities on the walk to school.

Safety of children and parents is always our priority. Children should wear high visibility tabards and please cross at the lollipop crossing. Please note that in the KS1 booklet we would like children to think about their walk to school and give us some feedback on how we can help to make the experience as safe and fun as possible. We are looking forward to seeing lots of walkers next week. Be safe!