The Governing Body
St Michael's Church of England School Governing Body Declarations of Interests 2023 2024
St Michael's C of E Combined School Governor's Responsibilites and Membership of Committees Nov 2023
St Michaels C of E Combined School Attendance at Governors' Meetings 2023/2024
The aim of the Governing Body is to help St Michael's School provide the best education possible for its pupils. This is done in a range of ways including:
- Helping to set the school's vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies and making creative use of resources
- Monitoring and evaluating performance, supporting and challenging the Head teacher in managing the school
- Ensuring that the school is accountable to the families that it serves, to its local community and to the staff it employs.
Our Governing Body is composed of personnel with a variety of skill sets and experiences appropriate to the needs of the Governing Body at St Michael's.
Any member of the Governing Body may be contacted via the school or the school email address
The Governing Body reconstituted under the School Governance Constitution Regulations 2012 on 21st January 2015.
The Instrument of Governance can be found HERE
A summary of our membership at November 2024 is as follows:
Susie Brister |
Co-opted Governor Chair of Governing Body |
Safer Recruitment, Maths, SFVS |
David Morley |
Head teacher |
Safer Recruitment, Safeguarding Emergency Planning |
Lucy Deverill |
Deputy Head/ Associate Governor |
Emily Venters | Staff Governor | |
Amy Hill | Parent Governor | ICT, Data Protection, Sports, MFL, Early Years |
Lewis Farran | Parent Governor |
Equalities, Science |
Steve Nicholl | Foundation Governor | Safeguarding, Travel Plan, H&S/Accessibility Plan. Educational Visits, Emergency Planning, School Trust Fund |
Kay Carter
LEA Governor Co-opted Governor
English, SEND, Pupil Premium |
Fiona Phimester |
Clerk |
Alistair Davies |
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