School Lunches
Hot school meals are provided on site by an external provider, Chartwells . Fresh school meals are prepared in the catering kitchen within the school. Every day the menu offers an option of a hot main course, a vegetarian option, a jacket potato with a topping and a dessert. Tap water is available to drink.
Menus are updated termly. Orders for school meals need to be placed by Tuesday at midnight of the preceding week that they are required. Payment must be made at the time of order. School lunches can be ordered for any number of days per week, you do not need to order for a full week. Orders and payment are made via Parent Pay.
Universal Free School meals are available for Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding qualify for free school meals, regardless of year group. If you think your child might be eligible, please speak to the school office.
Children not wishing to have hot school meals may bring in a healthy packed lunch.